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2 august 2013

N Uch Timanka's Hothouse FlowerHettie N UCH Timanka’s Hothouse Flower (1998-2006 ) was my first brood bitch. She was a bitch of great qualities and therefore it has not been easy to get her off-spring better than the mother. She is also the reason why I am not satisfied with next best in trying to create my own brand of dalmatians, individuals that will give new generations the best of everything. Hettie was born at kennel Timanka and purchased by me in 1999. She had three litters, before she retired.

Litter 1. names starting with the letter I.

Her first litter was sired by Toots Ready 4 Whatever,and I kept Dot Coms Innermost Dream, a liver bitch with strong bones and sweet temper. I did ask for help to pick the right puppy, by sending snaps of all the puppies to my friends, maybe I should have kept her sister D.C. Irregular Issue, as she had many of the details I so much admire in her mother, but Innermost Dream i was of the correct type and so I was happy with her.

Litter 2, names starting with the letter A.

When the time came for my second litter, we had moved to the south of Norway and so I had many more dogs to choose from when it came to finding a partner for Hettie. I chose Ch. Perdita’s Inkasso a blackspotted dog with excellent movements. In this litter it was easy to pick the best puppy, but as she turned out to be a bit shy I decided not to breed from her, but gave her to a single person who are very happy with her. The name is D.C. Alt-Delete. From this litter only D.C.Ambitious Bitch has been shown with a couple of CAC as a result.

 Litter 3, names starting with the letter B.

 I have always been very partial to Ch. Jilloc’s A Man in the Mirror. He has very strong hindquarters and a strong and level back. He moves with an excellent drive, and this is very important to me as nowadays not many dalmatians move with a correct stride. He sired Hetties third litter where eleven pups were born 7 dogs and 3 bitches. The dog D.C. Break Me Shake Me was sold to Germany where he has been very successful in the show rings, he has now also sired a few litters and I am very interested to see what good qualities, if any he will give to his off-spring. From the bitches I chose N Uch D.C.Bandwith who now lives with us

 Litter 4, names starting with the letter C.

 I took the opportunity to have a litter from Svolværgeitas Unique Lady which I earlier co-owned with Erling S. Nilsen. I mated her to Ch. Toots Working Class Hero a well made and strong going dog. I had five bitches from this combination and kept D.C. Carpe Diem. She lives with my good friend Anders Haugen in Oslo, end even though she is very heavily spotted she has an overall quality much better than her mothers. She have had 2 litter at our kennel. Our G and H litters

Litter 5, names starting with the letter D.

 When the time came to mate Hetties daugther. D.C. Innermost Dream, I had no problem choosing her partner. Ch.Dalmings Hocus-Pocus is in my eyes the best ever dalmatian dog. He has strong movements and a beautiful outline, apart from this he has also a very sweet temper. The litter from him and Oda gave me 7 pups two dogs and five bitches. 

Litter 6, names starting with the letter E. Coming soon….

Litter 7, names starting with the letter F. Coming soon…

Litter 8, names starting with the letter G. Coming soon…

Litter 9, names starting with the letter H. Coming soon…

Litter 10, names starting with the letter J. Coming soon…

To sum up my nine eight years as a breeder, I must admit that there has been more disappointments than I expected. I was not prepared for all that can happen in the litters and with my dogs in general. had I known this in advance I might not have had any litters at all.

My goal as a breeder is to make dalmatians of the correct type. When it comes to my dogs having good health and a nice temper I think this is so obvious that it is not worth mentioning. I will also strive to keep my breeding stock in my own home as I have understood the importance of knowing my dogs for better and for worse, and this can only be achieved by having them around .

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